DAC Beachcroft – Case Study

Decision Intelligence automates complex decision-making – exposing faults, failings and fraud in fractions of a second.

Here is the case study evidence…

AI is now the forensic ‘top dog’ for sniffing out anomalies and automating complex decision-making. Across all professional and industry sectors, DI significantly outperforms human intelligence, whilst keeping the human in the loop.

To prove the point, we are going to focus on one area of critical need…

The business-critical challenge.

Fraud is a universal threat. It impacts all businesses. But, in the ultra-competitive insurance world, it is a particularly serious problem. Fraudulent claims decimate margins, drive up premiums and destroy brand reputations. So, with stretched resources and mounting backlogs of potential fraud cases, it is no surprise that insurance companies have been early adopters of explainable DI.

DAC Beachcroft (DACB) is one of the leading champions. This international legal practice has developed an award-winning tool – called Dataflag – to tackle fraudulent insurance claims. It washes data very efficiently and predicts potential frauds with unerring accuracy.

But there was a snag. Further, post-wash progress had become mired in manual complexity. Turning data predictions into actions was a particular nightmare. The post-wash process could only be achieved with overnight batch runs. And then, painstaking human analysis added to the logjam. Less than 3% of the potential fraud cases identified by the overnight runs ever came in for scrutiny.

To find the answer, DACB needed to upgrade Dataflag. It needed technology that could efficiently handle complex decisioning, remove backlogs, reduce processing time, and support a rapidly expanding client base.

DACB went in search of smart-tech solutions… and discovered Rainbird.

The smart-tech solution.

The Rainbird DI platform is designed to address these challenges. It captures and encodes DACB’s wide-ranging expertise into extended knowledge graphs. The platform then reasons over the knowledge graphs to make pragmatic decisions and provide detailed explanations for all claims. Effectively, this eliminates the need for time-consuming manual checks. 

What’s more, the Rainbird platform leverages the BluePrism RPA tool to gather data from disparate data sources, including fraud indicators. 

To ensure sustainability, DACB’s subject matter experts (SMEs) were trained to expand the Rainbird knowledge graph. This made them self-sufficient when upgrading the solution. Indeed, Rainbird has designed the DI platform with future adaptability in mind. SMEs can include new fraud indicators as, and when, they emerge.

But where’s the evidence of success? Well, we are just coming to it…

Outcomes speak louder than words.

By implementing Rainbird’s Decision Intelligence, DACB is now able to process claims in real time. This eliminates the need for overnight runs.

The platform also brings the digital application of human expertise to each claim. Claims recovery teams now have comprehensive reasoning for each potential fraud case. This all-inclusive approach enabled DACB to clear the existing backlog of cases within the first week of implementation. And it has had a dramatic impact…

Brian Pearse, Chief Operations Officer – Claims Solution Group at DACB: “This transformative step has led to a 500% increase in fraud detection and faster client onboarding. It’s a game-changer – enhancing our operational capacity and delivering superior outcomes for our customers.”

The newly implemented solution captures over 42 data points (up from 13), with the capability to include more in the future. The 6-fold increase in fraud detection and prevention has not just improved productivity but also ensured consistency and quality. It has  significantly boosted operational capacity to over 50,000 cases daily (an impressive 800% increase). In turn, this has enabled DACB to onboard new clients faster (two within the first month alone) and to grow revenues whilst upholding its commitment to quality.

We call that compelling proof. And remember, the value isn’t confined to fraud exposure. Across all industry sectors, DI automates complex decision-making. In every area of anomaly detection, this DI platform delivers.

To learn more about Rainbird’s unique DI platform, please contact me for more insights and a personal introduction to this remarkable company. Robert Baldock on 07768 402131 or robert.baldock@clustre.net

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