“Business transformation is a chess game… most business leaders think two or three moves ahead, grandmasters think ten!”

Bank of America had a costly problem. It was clinging to a 20% share of the consumer loans market but losing $200 million a year. It was untenable. 

So how did the bank convert that nine-figure loss into a $100 million profit – in only 12 months? 

How did they reduce the time for mortgage approval from 12 days to 12 hours? 

How did they treble their consumer loans market share to 60% in just one year – helping them deliver $1 billion pa profits after just five years?

One man has the answers. Mike Jackson is the former Senior Vice President at Bank of America and CEO of a multi-award-winning UK financial services company. He is also the guest speaker at our October ‘Innovation Talk’. 

Mike will share his inside story. More importantly, he will share the three crucial priorities for delivering business transformation…

These start with a deep understanding of the processes, the problems and the possible solutions. Mike will then focus on creating a winning change strategy – a precise formula for business process re-engineering. Finally – and most critically of all – he will talk about foresight. How to think ten moves ahead in the transformation chess game… and where to find unique tools that remove risk and complexity from the decision-making equation. 

Join the grandmaster of transformation for a deeply revealing insight. Reserve your place now.

Date: Wednesday 9th October

Time: 9.00am to 10.00am

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