Learning from Founder Friday with Robert Baldock

Here’s a recap of the recent edition of the Founder Friday Podcast with the Clustre founder & innovation expert from the UK

Join us as we get together with a fantastic group of startup founders to talk all things entrepreneurial. We open up this hour-long session by welcoming Robert Baldock. He is the bright mind responsible for the birth of Clustre, the innovation brokers. Let’s dive right into the heart of the matter. 

Listen to the full Podcast here

Meet Robert Baldock 

“Innovation is my passion,” says Robert when asked to introduce himself. That simple sentence exudes a powerful image and sets the stage for the rest of the podcast. Robert Baldcock is an innovator at heart. From a very early age, he saw the world from a unique perspective. One trait that marks an innovative individual is, “…wearing different glasses.” So to speak.

This quality resonates with many entrepreneurs, and perhaps even you could relate to Robert’s story. As a self-proclaimed innovator, he finds three qualities prevalent in his genes: a passion for taking an idea and turning it in a different direction, a passion for knowledge, and a passion for the word why

Words of Wisdom

“To be successful in any business, you have to challenge things and not go for the standard approach,” proclaims Robert. These are valid words of wisdom that every senior-level executive or seasoned entrepreneur is well familiar with. To truly break down walls in any industry, the status quo must be challenged. After all, on a more macrocosmic scale, we can only advance as a civilization if we learn to adapt and embrace change.

Going along with that same idea, the concept of corporate partnerships was also a topic of discussion. As a young professional, Robert experienced the corporate world straight out of college. During those 23 years of innovating in corporate, he realized something.

As a large corporation that wants to do something impactful, the last entity one should turn to is another large corporation. What about the small businesses? Niche firms are the best option for swiftness and impactfulness. 

Building Relationships 

Trust is essential to building relationships in the business world. “Develop and maintain relationships,” says Robert. This is coming from someone who has about 5k phone contacts. We are not talking about a temporary one-off connection. We are talking about sticking through the long-term to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship. 

Throughout his career, Robert was always told to build trust and cultivate relationships. That skill proved helpful in his own venture, which is why he encourages others to do the same. 

Now, we’ve barely scraped the top of this in-depth, rich conversation. There is so much more of a story to tell.

Listen Closely 

Our mission is all about sharing amazing experiences from startup founders across the globe. As a solopreneur, investor, or business professional, information and expertise are the two components that can push a venture forward. So, we encourage you to watch back the FB Live or listen along to the podcast and soak up its wealth of knowledge for yourself. 

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